Home>Bonetto, Diego
Bonetto, Diego

Ph.D. candidate at Sciences Po Law School and at the University of Turin Law School doing a joint Ph.D. under the supervision of Professor Loïc Azoulai and of Professor Pier Giuseppe Monateri, Diego Bonetto is conducting a “Comparative Research on Regulatory Regimes applying to Bottled Water Exploitation”.
A legal trainee in Italy, he holds an M.Sc. in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance from the International University College of Turin (IUC Turin) where he is now a Research Associate, and a Five-year Law Degree from the University of Turin Law School. During his Law Degree Diego studied as well at the Centre for Transnational Legal Studies in London (CTLS – Georgetown University), at the University of Bergen (Norway) and at the University of Haifa (Israel). He has been T.A. of the course “Contemporary Issues of Corporate Law and Governance” at Sciences Po – Law School and Tutor of a course of Public Law at the University of Turin.
His main areas of interest are Comparative Public Law and Law and Economics.
Publications :
Journal articles:
- “Framing Bottled Water: A Comparative Reflection on the Legal Paradigm,” Global Jurist (2016), doi:10.1515/gj-2015- 0017
- “Beni comuni, interessi comuni, rimedi individuali” in Beni comuni 2.0 – Controegemonia e nuove istituzioni, (ed.) A. Quarta and M. Spanò, (2016) Mimesis, Milano, ISBN 978-88- 5753-261- 5.
- Economic Analysis of Law and the Law of Ownership: the Mineral Water Case
- Bottled Water: a Comparative Reflection on the Regulatory Frameworks