Home>Cabarcas Macia, Sofia
Cabarcas Macia, Sofia
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Sofía Cabarcas is a PhD candidate at Sciences Po Law School who studies anthropology of law under the supervision of Professor Alain Pottage. She holds a bachelor in law (2012) and a bachelor in anthropology (2014) from Universidad de los Andes, and she obtained an MSc in Law, Anthropology and Society (2016) from the London School of Economics.
Sofía's project focuses on the repetition of truth-telling in the voice of perpetrators in transitional justice proceedings in the 21st century. Her project looks to develop a posanalytical ethnography of hearings in Colombia to unpack the habits of the liberal state when addressing past violence and victims' resistance.
Before joining Sciences Po Law School, she worked at the Presidential Office of the High Commissioner for Peace and at Colombia's first Truth Commission.
Previous publications:
- Cómo escapar el limbo jurídico. La situación de refugiados en Colombia In: Public Law Journal of Universidad de los Andes. No. 29. July-December 2012. ISSN 1909-7778.
Provisional thesis title: Tracing repetition in truth-telling: the right to justice in the Global South’s political transitions during the 21st century.
Contact: sofia.cabarcas@sciencespo.fr