Home>Cornut St-Pierre, Pascale
Cornut St-Pierre, Pascale
Pascale Cornut St-Pierre is Doctor from Sciences Po Law School, Paris. She holds a B.A. (2007) and a M.A. (2009) in philosophy from the Université de Montréal, as well as an integrated degree in civil law and common law from McGill University (B.C.L./LL.B., 2013).
Her research focuses on the ways in which business communities perceive, mobilize and develop the law in the course of their activities. Her works deal mainly with corporate and financial law, but draw heavily on research from the social sciences, such as sociology of law, economic sociology, political economy and critical studies.
Her dissertation defended under the supervision of Professor Benoit Frydman, is about the role of legal work in contemporary financial innovation. She analyses the role and techniques of standard-form contracts, like the ISDA Master Agreement, in the emergence of new financial instruments and the development of their global markets.
Since July 2016, Pascale joined the Faculty of Law of University of Ottawa (Civil Law Section) as an assistant professor, where she teaches the law of business associations. She was previously a lecturer in the sociology of law and in the law of obligations, at Sciences Po, Paris, and at the Faculty of Law of McGill University.
Publications :
- Pascale Cornut St-Pierre, “La qualification juridique des swaps comme site d’une lutte globale pour le droit” (2016) Revue de droit de McGill (forthcoming).
- Pascale Cornut St-Pierre, “Eligible Financial Contracts and the Many Faces of Derivatives: A Brief History of the ISDA Master Agreement” (2015) Annual Review of Insolvency Law 617-661.
- Hélène Belleau & Pascale Cornut St-Pierre, “Conjugal Interdependence in Quebec: From Legal Rules to Social Representations About Spousal Support and Property Division on Conjugal Breakdown” (2014) 29: 1 Canadian Journal of Law and Society 43-58.
- Hélène Belleau & Pascale Cornut St-Pierre, “Pour que droit et familles fassent bon ménage : étude sur la conscience du droit en matière conjugale” (2012) 25: 1 Nouvelles Pratiques Sociales 62-89.
- Pascale Cornut St-Pierre, “Ambiguïté, stratégie, pouvoir: regards critiques sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises” in Collectifs d'auteurs du prix Bernard-Mergler, Le souffle de la jeunesse, Montréal, Éditions Écosociété, 2012, 121-197.