Home>Coudurier, Benjamin
Coudurier, Benjamin
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Benjamin Coudurier has been a doctoral student at Sciences Po's Law School since 2022. Under the supervision of Frédéric Audren, his thesis focuses on the legal, political and social processes of the nineteenth century that led states to adopt the first multilateral treaties for the protection of wild and domestic species at the beginning of the following century.
Having also worked as an intern and then as a research fellow on Fabien Girard's ANR project ‘Bioculturalis: Biocultural Heritage, Justice and Legal Pluralism’ at the Centre de Recherche Juridique of the Faculty of Law in Grenoble, his work also focuses on the rights of peasants and rural populations, and on agrobiodiversity.
Contact: benjamin.coudurier@sciencespo.fr