Home>Dartevelle, Alice
Dartevelle, Alice
PhD Candidate, Researcher
Alice Dartevelle is currently a PhD researcher at Sciences Po Law School, under the supervision of Professor Régis Bismuth. Her research investigates the legal infrastructure of the political economy of access to medicines as well as the legal levers that can be mobilized to reduce the main deficiencies of this model.
Prior to her doctoral studies, she has completed pharmacy studies (PharmD) as well as a master in pharmaceutical law and regulation at the University of Strasbourg (2016). She also holds a Master in Economic Law, with a specialization in Global Governance Studies, from Sciences Po Law School (2019).
Alice has created and taught several undergraduate classes at Sciences Po: "Public Health Law and Policy", "Women's Health and the Law?", "Law and Crises" and "Comment pensent les juristes?".
Contact: alice.dartevelle@sciencespo.fr