Home>Dumesnil, Choralyne
Dumesnil, Choralyne
Choralyne Dumesnil (PhD) Sciences Po Law School, is a Lawyer at the Paris Bar.
Her fields of expertise are intellectual property law (PhD and Intership at specialised court in Paris) as well as sexual and domestic violence litigation (Training at Harvard Law School 2011-2012 and NGO experience 2013-2018)
She wrote her dissertation under the supervision of Professor Michel Vivant on: “Legal teachings from India : a journey beyond the mirror of the law. Thoughts from patenting in the Indian pharmaceutical industry” (2014).
Her research relies partly on interviews with professionals in India. In 2011-2012, she was an exchange student at Harvard Law School where she worked under supervision of Professor Yochai Benkler.
During her journeys, meeting many NGOs working on the topic of sexual violence worldwide, she decided to start this work in France and became lecturer in high schools around Paris (2013-2015) and in a prison (2015). She works pro bono for the Commission for the Abolition of Female Sexual Mutilations (CAMS).
She created a course at Paris Dauphine University where she teaches the course « Sexual violence in international case law » (compulsory course M1 - 2015), that became « Legal Aspects of Gender violence conflicts » in 2016 (compulsory course BA 3rd year) at Paris Sciences et Lettres.
Publications :
2015 :
- « Rape in France, a legal perspective », CEU, Budapest, 26 Novembre (conference in english).
- « Practice of intellectual property rights in France », ESSCA, Paris Summer Programm, 6.07.2015 (seminar in english).
- « La protection de l'innovation en Inde », dans L'innovation à l'épreuve de la mondialisation, Pierre Dominique Cervetti (dir), Université Aix Marseilles, extraits de la thèse.
2013 :
- « Chiasmic edges, short stories from legal research field work », UPES Law Review vol. 1, Dehradun, India, Empirical research for the PhD. 2013
- « Pratiques religieuses et géopolitiques, réflexions depuis Ziro, Arunachal Pradesh 2013 », Les grands dossiers de diplomatie n°16
2012 :
- « Les médecines traditionnelles pillées par le droit des brevets ? », Revue Internationale de Droit Économique, oct. 2012
2010 :
- « Le droit de suite : quelles perspectives pour demain ? », Revue Lamy de Droit de l’Immatériel, juillet 2010