Home>Fernández Arroyo, Diego P.

Fernández Arroyo, Diego P.

Professor, Researcher

Born in Argentina, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo, has been a Professor at Sciences Po since 2010. He teaches international litigation, arbitration, comparative law and private/public international law. He is the Director of the LLM in Transnational Arbitration & Dispute Settlement. He was the scientific co-director of the Global Governance Studies specialty within the Economic Law master's degree and was co-founder of the PILAGG (Private International Law as Global Governance) research program. In addition, he is the director of the Concours d’Arbitrage International de Paris, a member of the board of the Cross Examination Moot, and he supervises the Sciences Po teams participating in international moot court competitions (Jessup, Vis Moot, Frankfurt Investment and Competencia Internacional). 

Diego P. Fernández Arroyo is a doctor honoris causa from the University of Athens (Greece), honorary professor at the Universities of Buenos Aires and Córdoba (Argentina) and was Global Professor at New York University (2013/2015).

President of the Curatorium of the Hague Academy of International Law and President of the Arbitration Academy (Paris), Diego P. Fernández Arroyo was Secretary General of the International Academy of Comparative Law between 2014 and 2022 and President of the American Association of Private International Law (ASADIP) from 2007 to 2010. He is a member of the Institute of International Law.

Before joining Sciences Po, Diego P. Fernández Arroyo was a professor at the Universities Complutense of Madrid, Salamanca and National of Littoral. Currently, he is the Director of the Diploma in International Contracts and Judicial Disputes of Austral University (Argentina). He has also been a visiting scholar at numerous universities: Paris 2, Lyon 3, Paris 3 (Pablo Neruda Chair of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Latin America), Fribourg, Bologna, São Paulo, Federal of Santa Catarina, Federal of Rio Grande do Sul, of Rio de Janeiro State (French Chair), Ottawa, California (Davis), Iberoamericana (Mexico City), Havana, Kansai (Osaka), Waseda (Tokyo), Doshisha ( Kyoto), Sydney, Central of Venezuela (Caracas), Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Los Andes (Bogotá), La Sabana (Bogotá), etc. He has been a member of the Argentine delegations before UNCITRAL (Working Groups on Arbitration and on Reform of Investor-State Dispute Resolution) and the Organization of American States, and represented ASADIP at the Hague Conference of private international law and UNIDROIT.

Diego P. Fernández Arroyo is often appointed as an international arbitrator (ICC, ICSID, PCA, Milan Chamber, etc.) and as an expert. He is a member of the ICSID list of arbitrators and conciliators and was a member of the PCA. He has developed several projects in arbitration for the European Union, the Andean Community, MERCOSUR, and the Latin American Integration Association. He is Co-Director of the Latin American Arbitration Conference since 2009.

He has authored and/or edited more than twenty-five books and numerous articles in around twenty states.

Fields of Expertise: 

  • Transnational arbitration
  • Private/Public international law
  • Comparative law
  • Latin-American legal systems
  • Global governance

Publications: Diego P. Fernández Arroyo's publications

Contact: diego.fernandezarroyo@sciencespo.fr