Home>Fournier, Mireille
Fournier, Mireille

Mireille Fournier is a Ph.D. candidate at Sciences Po Law School whose work focuses on the history of non- commercial corporations. Her research mobilises cultural and conceptual history techniques to expose the context in which certain legal discourses arise. She works under the supervision of Professor Frédéric Audren.
Born and raised in Montreal, Mireille has bachelor degrees in civil law and common law from McGill University (Montreal, Canada) and an LL.M. in Law and Society from the University of Victoria (Victoria, Canada).
Her Master's thesis focuses on the intellectual contexts of the first congress of comparative law, held in Paris as part of the 1900 Paris World Fair. Before starting her Ph.D., Mireille worked as a Law Clerk at the Quebec Court of Appeal in Montreal. She is a member of the Bar of Quebec.
Contact: mireille.fournier@sciencespo.fr