Home>Garapon, Antoine

Garapon, Antoine

Affiliate Professor

Born in 1952, Antoine Garapon, Ph.D., served as a juvenile judge for many years. He is a member of the editorial board of the French Review Esprit. He created L’Institut des hautes études sur la justice (institute for advanced judicial studies) which he chaired till 2020. 

He is since 2021, Professor at the Law School of Sciences Po (Paris, France), and has written widely: Le gardien des promesses, Odile Jacob 1996 (with a foreword by Paul Ricœur), with Ioannis Papadopoulos, Juger en Amérique et en France. Culture juridique française et Common Law, with a foreword of Justice Breyer. Its last book (with Jean Lassègue), Justice digitale. Révolution graphique et rupture anthropologique (Presses universitaires de France, 2018) and Le numérique contre le politique. Crise de l’espace et reconfiguration des médiations sociales (PUF 2021). He launched the collection Bien commun at Michalon Publishing co. and has a weekly programme “Esprit de justice” on France-culture.