Home>Herrera, Joachim-Nicolas
Herrera, Joachim-Nicolas

Joachim-Nicolas Herrera is a Ph.D. Candidate in Law, working under the supervision of Prof. Louis Assier-Andrieu, in the borderland between law, history, anthropology and economics. His research envisions law (ratio scripta) and economics (ratios) as cultural rationalizations of "normativity" in the West. His goal is to unearth the historical foundations and to establish the epistemological limitations of a concept having universal significance.
He holds a Bachelor in social sciences, cum laude, and a Master in economic law, cum laude, from Sciences Po; as well as a Licence in philosophy, mention bien, and a Master in political philosophy and ethics, mention bien, from the Sorbonne.
Joachim was a teaching fellow in Michael Sandel’s class “Money, Markets and Morals” at Harvard in 2015. At Sciences Po, he has created and taught three undergraduate classes: “Anthropology of French and American Laws,” “Anthropology of Trade and Exchange,” “Anthropology of Western Rationality.”
Spécialités / Fields of Expertise :
Joachim’s other scholarly interests include financial regulation, sustainable development and artificial intelligence.
Contact: joachimnicolas.herrera@sciencespo.fr