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Ivanel, Bogdan

Bogdan Ivanel holds a Master in Russian and Eastern European Studies from the University of Oxford (2010) and a Master in Public International Law from Utrecht University (2011). He has been a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley (2012-2013). He holds is PhD at Sciences Po since November 2016 on "Unveiling the Puppet Master. Effectively Dealing with Puppet States under International Law"
His work wells on questions of statehood, humanitarian law and human rights from a critical perspective. Specifically, his current research is dealing with the effective application of humanitarian law and human rights law in what he term as instances of 'covert occupation', cases of occupation veiled as statehood. As part of his work he has done intense field research in a number of such conflict zones, including, Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Northern Cyprus, Transnistria as well as in all the states involved directly or indirectly in these conflicts, meeting and interviewing many relevant senior politicians, heads of international missions, NGO and civil society leaders, legal and academic experts as well as human rights victims and perpetrators from these regions and countries.