Home>McCarthy, Peter
McCarthy, Peter
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Peter McCarthy is a Ph.D. candidate at Sciences Po Law School who studies geoengineering under the supervision of Professor Alain Pottage. Geoengineering, broadly defined as deliberate human intervention in the climate system to counteract climate change, only exists in research contexts, so Peter's project is about what the law and geoengineering demand of one another. It aims to address how geoengineering became a potentially necessary, if also taboo, set of tools to address climate change and what kind of governance structures we need to implement geoengineering.
Before joining the doctoral program, Peter went to the University of Virginia School of Law, from where he holds a J.D. He is a member of the D.C. Bar. He also worked in the tech industry in his hometown of San Francisco for several years before going to law school, and he holds an A.B. from Harvard College, where he studied Human Developmental and Regenerative Biology.
Contact: peter.mccarthy@sciencespo.fr