Home>Miyar, Ghazal
Miyar, Ghazal

Ghazal Miyar is a doctorate student at Sciences Po under the supervision of Professor Mikhail Xifaras. The topic of the dissertation is a multi-inter-disciplinary combination of modern human rights, linguistics an decoloniality as a response to universalism.
Ghazal obtained her undergraduate LLB degree from the University of Pretoria and subsequently er postgraduate LLM degree from the same university. The LLM was then supervised by Professor Karin Van Marle and was also on the topic of human rights and linguistics. Ghazal completed her articles of clerkship in Pretoria and continued to practice as an attorney for the next 5 years, specialising in commercial law and civil litigation. She was also appointed a a lecturer at the University of South Africa where she taught Advanced Constitutional Law and Legal Interpretation courses.