Home>Call for PhD applications: Exploring the Normative and Distributive Effects of AI systems

Call for PhD applications: Exploring the Normative and Distributive Effects of AI systems
Sciences Po Law School invites applications from candidates interested in researching the normative and distributive effects of artificial intelligence and automated decision-making systems. Successful applicants will be fully integrated into the Law School’s Doctoral Program and supported through funding provided by the PostGenAI@Paris - Collaborative Acceleration Programme (CAP) as part of a project led by Prof. Dusollier, Mignot-Mahdavi and Xenidis. Successful applicants will thus be supervised by at least one of the project leads.
The project aims to explore the normative and distributive effects of AI systems by unraveling the techno-legal modes of governance that arise when these systems are embedded in decision-making in government, socio-economic policymaking or even warfare. In particular, the project explores how law and AI systems interact with and affect one another, producing new modes of normativity, governance and legal subjectivities.
While candidates are encouraged to align their proposed research with the overarching themes of this initiative, we welcome diverse and imaginative approaches to these critical questions. The flexibility of this call allows candidates to explore topics that reflect their own academic interests and perspectives, fostering a broad spectrum of innovative research.
Applications to the PhD program must follow the standard application procedure, available here.
Additionally, interested candidates are invited to submit a supplementary document (maximum one page) directly to severine.dusollier@sciencespo.fr. This document should outline how their proposed PhD project aligns with the overarching project’s thematic focus on the normative and distributive effects of AI systems.