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Visiting Fellowship Program
Sciences Po Law School hosts visiting research Fellows in two different programs.
Doctoral and Post-doctoral visiting fellowship
Each year the Sciences Po Law School's doctoral program hosts visiting students and visiting researchers from around the world. Visitors are generally doctoral students or post-doctoral researchers in Law at institutions overseas who are eager to pursue their research within Sciences Po Law School academic community. They normally are in residence at the Law School for up to one academic year.
Find out more about doctoral and post-doctoral visiting fellowship.
Senior visiting fellows
Conditions and procedure
- The Fellowship is opened to assistant professors and professors affiliated to a university or research institution
- The Law School encourages visits of a minimum of 1 month
- The fellowships will be granted by the Academic Assembly of the Law School
- Senior Visiting Fellows must provide their own funding
Privileges and Responsabilities
Senior Visiting Fellows will be entitled:
- to participate in Law School events and particularly research seminars;
- to have access to the Sciences Po Library and its resources;
- to the Sciences Po Law School Visiting Senior Visiting Fellow title;
- to a workspace in the premises of the law school;
Depending on the duration of their stay, Senior Visiting Fellows might be asked to present a paper at a research seminar.
Applications are examined by the academic assembly of the Law School twice a year in October and in April. Applications for the next academic semester must be received no later than October 1st or April 1st.
A completed application consists of the following components:
- Your curriculum vitae
- Your research project for your stay at Sciences Po and why a visit at Sciences Po Law School is relevant for your research
- The dates of your stay at Sciences Po
These documents must be sent in PDF format and by e-mail to Pierre Grivaz, Research manager of the Research Centre.