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Saada, Julie

Professor, Researcher

University Professor at Sciences Po

Julie Saada (Agrégation, Ph.D. and Habilitation, Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, 2004 and 2013) is a Professor of Philosophy at Sciences Po Law School. She is the director of the “Penser avec” series for the Sciences Po publishing house, the co-director of the “PolitiqueS” series for the Garnier-Flammarion publishing house, and a member of the editorial board of “Les Champs de Mars. Revue d’études sur la guerre et la paix”. She is also a collaborating member of the Centre de recherche en éthique at the Université de Montréal. She was previously vice-president of the French Society for the Legal Theory and Political Philosophy (French branch of the IVR), a member of the Conseil National des Universités, a member of the Scientific Council of Sciences Po, director of the research seminar at Sciences Po Law School, and Program Director at the Collège international de philosophie

Professor Saada’s research focuses on war and post-war justice, international criminal law, transitional justice, and human rights. Her areas of interest are also modern and contemporary political philosophy and critical legal theory. Professor Saada is the author of several books and articles including La tolérance (Garnier-Flammarion, 1999); Guerre juste, guerre injuste. Théories, histoire et critiques (with C. Nadeau, Presses Universitaires de France, 2009); Hobbes et le sujet de droit. Contractualisme et consentement (Editions du CNRS, 2010). She is the editor of Hobbes, Spinoza ou les politiques de la Parole. Critique de la sécularisation et usages de l'Histoire sainte à l'âge classique (ENS Editions, 2009); Le souci du droit. Où en est la théorie critique ? (co-ed., Sens & Tonka, 2010); Guerres et reconnaissance (with T. Lindemann, Cultures et Conflits, n° 87, 2012); Juger les crimes de masse. Approches critiques (with R. Nollez-Goldbach, Pédone, 2014); Enseigner le passé violent. Conflit, après-conflit et justice à l’école (Artois Presses Université, 2014); La guerre en question. Conflits contemporains, théorie politique et débats normatifs (Presses de l'université de Lyon, 2015); Le droit, entre théorie et critique (with M. Xifaras, Lextenso Editions, 2016).

Fields of Expertise

  • Legal Philosophy, modern and contemporary political philosophy
  • Philosophy of international law: theories of criminal justice, war and post-war justice, transitional justice, human rights
  • Critical theories of law
  • Law and Literature

Publications: Julie Saada's publications

Contact: julie.saada@sciencespo.fr