Home>Taherkhani, Mostafa
Taherkhani, Mostafa
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Mostafa Taherkhani is a Ph.D. candidate at Sciences Po Law School working on fictional archè in international legal theories, under the supervision of Jean d’Aspremont. His project engages with the conceptual framing of such fictional or mythical archè (foundation, origin, first principle), its necessity for law, and its different forms of reproduction in international legal theories.
Before joining Sciences Po, Mostafa completed his first Ph.D. at Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran (SBU), Iran, with a dissertation that offered a new reading of French philosopher Jacques Derrida's juridico-political thoughts. In 2019-2020, he worked as a research scholar under the supervision of Peter Goodrich, at Cardozo School of Law, New York, US. He also holds an L.L.B and an L.L.M from SBU.
At Sciences Po, Mostafa has designed and taught bachelor courses including Law & Anarchism, and Theories of International Law. His current research interest is primarily oriented to legal theory and international law, especially to visions coming from post-structural, anarchist, and Marxist literature.
As of 2024, Mostafa is a visiting PhD student at LSE Law School.
Contact: mostafa.taherkhani@sciencespo.fr