Home>Tusseau, Guillaume
Tusseau, Guillaume
Professor, Researcher
Guillaume Tusseau has been Professor of Public Law at Sciences Po since 1 September 2010. He is a junior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (2009) and holds an honorary doctorate from the Universidad Privada Antonio Guillermo Urrelo de Cajamarca (Peru). From 2015 to 2019, he was a member of the Conseil supérieur de la magistrature. After heading the Law Department at Sciences Po (2022-2024), he is now Director of the Research Centre at the Sciences Po Law School.
He has a dual speciality as a constitutionalist, particularly in the field of comparative constitutional adjudication, and as a legal theorist, particularly in the field of the analytical theory of law and the thought of Jeremy Bentham. He is a founding member of the Bentham Centre.
Guillaume Tusseau was awarded the Agrégation in public law in 2006, and holds a doctorate in public law (2004, Prix Paul Deschanel from the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, Prix de la nouvelle bibliothèque de thèses des éditions Dalloz, Prix Jean Carbonnier de la recherche sur le droit et la justice), a Diplôme d'études approfondies in General Theory and Philosophy of Law (Paris X, 1999) and a Diplôme from the Institut d'études politiques de Toulouse (1997, major). His work has been honoured by a Complementary Specialisation Grant in Canadian Studies (2007) and a Grant from the Fondations Thiers (2005).
Guillaume Tusseau has taught constitutional law, administrative property law, advanced administrative law, legal philosophy, comparative law and fundamental rights. He has been a visiting professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science, as well as at the University of Macau, the Libera università internazionale degli studi sociali (LUISS) in Rome and Keio University. His teaching at Sciences Po includes the Political Institutions course in the first year of the Collège universitaire, as well as courses and seminars entitled "Gouvernement des juges. Théorie et pratique comparées’, “Problèmes fondamentaux de droit processuel constitutionnel comparé”, “Comparative Public Law”, “Comparative Constitutional Adjudication”, “Foundations of Legal Philosophy”, “Figures of Juristocracy”, “Trajectoires et figures du constitutionnalisme”, “Reforming the Judiciary”.
After leading or co-leading the research projects "CODEBENTHAM - Codification as a paradigm of human government. On the destiny of the project of Jeremy Bentham as legislator of the world’’ (2013-2016), “NUDGE - non-legal normativities and public policy” (2014-2016, with Malik Bozzo-Rey), "PROCBENTHAM: Bentham and the Universalisation of the Law of Procedure", as well as the international Erasmus + Capacity Building projects “Nuevos programa de posgrado para la formación de OPeradores Transnacionales e INternacionales para la defensa de la naturaleza y la construcción de la paz en la Comunidad Andina (OPT-IN)” and "Repensando la migración desde la frontera de Venezuela: Nuevo programa académico en movilidad humana e convivencia en la Comunidad Andina (REMOVE)", he is currently conducting his research as part of the Bentham Centre's "COLBENTHAM" and "PANBENTHAM" projects, as well as the Erasmus + project "Ataques a la democracia y populismos. Nuevo programa académico para el fortalecimiento de las instituciones en América Latina (DEMOS)".
Fields of Expertise:
- Constitutional law and political institutions
- Constitutional adjudication
- Comparative law
- Legal theory
Publications: Guillaume Tusseau's publications
Contact: guillaume.tusseau@sciencespo.fr