Home>Wang, Qiandai
Wang, Qiandai
PhD Candidate, Researcher

Qiandai Wang is a Ph.D candidate at Sciences Po Law School, working under the supervision of Prof. Régis Bismuth. Her current research explores the emerging concept of economic security in international economic law.
Her research focuses on the expanding scope of national security exceptions under WTO law. She aims to analyse how current geopolitical competition between China, the EU and the US influences trade liberalisation and multilateralism. She is particularly interested in Chinese state capitalism and China’s role in the international liberal economic order, viewed through the lens of the Third World Approach to International Law (TWAIL).
Before beginning her doctoral studies, Qiandai completed her MPhil research at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford. Her work there explored how environmental sustainability objectives are conceptualised and incorporated into the EU competition law and policy. She was a research assistant working on Chinese public policies on rural migrant workers at the Sino-French Research Center at the University of Tsinghua (Beijing, China) in 2018.
Qiandai also holds a Master's degree in Economic Law and a Bachelor’s degree from Sciences Po Paris.
Provisional thesis title: International Economic Law after Liberalism: a Critical Analysis of the Expanding Empire of Economic Security and Great Power Competition between China, the EU and the US on the Edge of Multilateralism
Contact: qiandai.wang@sciencespo.fr