Home>Yasar, Ayse Gizem
Yasar, Ayse Gizem

Ayse Gizem is a PhD candidate and teaching fellow at Sciences Po Law School.
Her PhD project, supervised by Professor Dina Waked, targets to lay bare some of the fundamental contradictions in competition policy through the lens of disruptive innovation. She holds an MJur degree from the University of Oxford and an LL.M. degree from Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas. She has designed and taught courses on law and innovation, competition law/antitrust, technology and society, and research methods. Between 2013-2016, she worked as a competition lawyer.
Selected publications:
- Re-examining Schumpeter’s Legacy: Creative Destruction as Competition, Innovation and Capitalism (working paper) July 2021
- Disruptive Innovation and Merger Control: Challenges in a Digitalised World” (paper in Turkish) in Bilgi University Competition Law in Practice Seminars 2019, ed. Kerem Cem Sanli & Dilan Alma, March 2020
- Not all cartel facilitators are the same: legal implications and policy considerations (Thomas Reytjens and Ayse Gizem Yasar) European Competition Law Review, September 2019
- Multisided Markets and the Challenge of Incorporating Multisided Considerations into Competition Law Analysis (Gonenc Gurkaynak, Oznur Inanilir, Sinan Diniz and Ayse Gizem Yasar), Oxford Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, Volume 5, Issue 1 (2017)
- Challenges to the Liberalisation of Natural Gas Markets: The Turkish Case, European Networks Law & Regulation Quarterly, Volume 4, Issue 2 (2016)
- Re-Assessing Object Restrictions: A New Day in Light of the ‘Groupement Des Cartes Bancaires v. Commission’ Decision (paper in Turkish) (Gonenc Gurkaynak and Ayse Gizem Yasar), Competition Journal of the Turkish Competition Authority, Volume 16, Number 1 (2015)
- Competition Law and Personal Data Crossing in Digital Markets (Gonenc Gurkaynak, Ayse Guner and Ayse Gizem Yasar), Ian S Forrester QC LL.D Liber Amicorum – Volume II, Concurrences Review (2015)
Contact: ayse.yasar@sciencespo.fr