Home>The Great Transition: successful conclusion to the SMI group projects
The Great Transition: successful conclusion to the SMI group projects
The Great Transition is an experience that brings all School of Management and Innovation first students into direct interaction with contemporary grand challenges and their impact for the world of business and for themselves as citizens.
Working through the compass of the Sustainable Development Goals, all students think, dream and act towards a world that would be both more sustainable and responsible.
527 students in 106 group projects worked on issues like food quality, circularity, loneliness, energy efficiency, poverty and inequalities, developing projects that combined purpose and business.
The Great Transition experience ended this year on January 22nd with the presentation in front of a Jury of 12 nominee projects.
The Jury selected three winning projects and a Prix Coup de Coeur. The Public also voted for its own favourite project. The winners are:
>Prix du jury:
Ile de la Transition: Jade Berre (Master communication, médias et industries créatives), Manuel Caliendo (Master finance et stratégie), Jeanne Dorlencourt (Master International Management & Sustainability), Myrto Mezini (Master organisations et management des ressources humaines), Nathan Mulalic, (Master marketing)
Repleo Tech: Lucas Dernov (Master communication, médias et industries créatives), Guillaume Desert (Master in Marketing: New Luxury & Art de Vivre), Thao Ly Nguyenova (Master International Management & Sustainability), Anmol Prithani (Master of Communications, Media and Creative Industries), Gautier Ugolin (Master finance et stratégie)
Kapsul: Alix Biffot (Master finance et stratégie), Clément Bouchet, (Master organisations et management des ressources humaines), Marie Lecoeur (Master finance et stratégie), Cassandre Siebert (Master communication, médias et industries créatives)
Prix Coup de Coeur du Jury:
The Circle Family: Abdelwahhab Al Backri (Master of Communications, Media and Creative Industries), Delphine Godin (Master finance et stratégie), Marie-Antoinette Lescuyer (Master finance et stratégie), Yeseul Oh (Master in Marketing: New Luxury & Art de Vivre), Axel Udave (Master communication, médias et industries créatives)
Prix du Public:
Papaye: Yasmina Abbou (Master finance et stratégie), Adélie Benvegnu-Sallou (Master joint droit-finance), Philippine Dol (Master International Management & Sustainability), Etienne Duriez (Master International Management & Sustainability), Adam Lemiere (Master organisations et management des ressources humaines)
Photo: members of the jury © Sciences Po - from left to right
- Elisabeth Hege (IDDRI)
- Valérie Gaudart (Engie)
- Niels Planel (Chercheur et professeur)
- Amandine Lepoutre (Thinkers and Doers)
- Maxime Marzin (Sciences Po, Centre pour l'entrepreneuriat)
- Georges de La Ville-Baugé (Open Bubble)