Home>Johan | Private equity analyst intern, BNP Paribas


Johan | Private equity analyst intern, BNP Paribas


Can you describe your academic background?

After completing my Bachelor's degree in Sciences, I did a Bachelor’s Degree in mathematics from Paris Dauphine University. I was interested in learning more about corporate finance, so I looked at the Joint Master of Law and Finance at the School of Management and Impact at Sciences Po.

During my master's degree at Sciences Po, my internship in M&A - large-cap at Credit Agricole was crucial: realized the part of business law in the financial professions. To complete my academic background, I did a Master in Management from ESSEC Business School.

My objective: work as a private equity analyst

What did you learn from your master’s Degree?

When I chose this master's degree, I was convinced of the added value that this dual training could bring me. It was essential for me to master both languages (finance and law) in order to be as efficient as possible - investment bankers and lawyers work closely together in an M&A deal-.

It also allowed me to specialize in a field that I like and that attracts me: finance, as well as to master the legal issues of the world around me, which for me was a necessity.

I also have the opportunity to pass the bar if I want to branch out into another extremely interesting profession, the legal profession.

What was the course you enjoyed the most?

I had the chance to follow a lot of very interesting lessons with speakers with rich professional experiences and passion about their trade.

On the finance side, if I have to choose only one, it's the one entitled "Les métiers de la Finance". Each session was dedicated to one of the different professions in the financial sector: it allowed students to discover the different possible paths after the program. In addition, each course was led by a specialized speaker, which made it much more lively and interesting.

On the law side, the course that impressed me the most was the Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) course by Nicolas Vivien, a business lawyer who specialized in this profession. He made this course lively and very practical by sharing multiple experiences and tips he faced during his career.

If you had to give one piece of advice to future graduates, what would it be?

This master's degree is unique. It allows you to develop a very practical and critical vision of law for a much more concrete vision of the world. It will bring you as much professionally as personally.

The advice I could give you is to adopt the vision that this program gives you. So my advice would be to hang on because the reward is greater.

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