Home>Academics>Two-Year Master's Programmes>Master in Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation

Master in Entrepreneurship, Design and Innovation

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The aim of the School of Management and Impact is to educate "entrepreneurs of change". Its graduates are trained to understand society and tools for innovation in order to make a more sustainable impact within or by way of businesses.

Within this unique master's programme, the social sciences and design are used to shed light on society and to produce cutting-edge tools for innovation. A close and hands-on collaboration with Sciences Po’s Centre for Entrepreneurship allows students to study entrepreneurship from both a theoretical and a practical perspective. They are encouraged to develop their own innovative projects and receive support in order to implement them.

With the knowledge, tools and skills they gain over the course of the programme, graduates will be equipped to invent and develop the new economic models and ethical innovations necessary for a world in transition, whether within existing businesses (in innovation, design or planning departments or intrapreneurship) or by launching their own start-up.

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Course outline and specific features

The Master's degree in Innovation, Design and Creativity is a two-year initial training programme, taught in French.

The first year of the Master's programme is based on several core courses: human and social sciences, management and design. Each of these foundations articulates learning through knowledge (lectures) and methodologies (workshops).

Students have the opportunity to take a gap year between the first and second years in order to consolidate their professional experience.

The second year allows students to consolidate what they have learned in the first year, while at the same time opening up to specialisation courses.

The recruitment of students from various disciplinary backgrounds (design and art, engineering, human and social sciences, political science, philosophy, etc.) allows for a diversity and complementarity of profiles from which each student benefits, thus allowing for a transfer of skills between peers.

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Career prospects

Young graduates are equipped to directly apply their expertise in professions that link the practice of design, strategic analysis and knowledge of technologies.

The Master's degree in Innovation, Design & Creativity enables, among other things, the acquisition of the following skills:

  • Understanding the business world in a context of uncertainty by using knowledge and skills allowing a systemic approach to situations;
  • Mobilisation of methodologies and tools -investigative and creative-, to favour original and meaningful approaches from an ethical, environmental and social point of view;
  • Design and management of projects (innovative, creative, sustainable & technological) within complex ecosystems;
    Ability to integrate design, creation and design skills as a major lever in the company's thinking, management and action;
  • Conversely, the ability to integrate management and project design tools into cultural and creative activities;

Graduates occupy strategic positions in a wide variety of organisations and sectors, most of them in design agencies (service designer, business designer, creative designer) and innovation agencies (innovation manager, ecosystem manager), in the innovation or design departments of large companies, in consultancy firms and in foresight institutes.

These professions are complemented by more individual paths in the context of personal and creative initiatives, or start-ups or more generally of an entrepreneurial nature.

Examples of start-ups created within the master's programme: Ctrl S (Innovation agency for a responsible digital economy), Maïa (Management software to achieve the objectives set by the agriculture and food law).

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