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Board of the School

Section #conseil

The Board

In accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 7 August 2006 (see the decree), the IEP's Board of Directors created the Board of the Graduate School on November 27, 2006. 

The Board assists the director of the Graduate School in implementing the School's action plan.  It reaches decisions on issues that affect the Graduate School, its organisation and its operations.  It considers requests for research grants and, when applicable, other types of financing for Ph.D. students.   

The Board includes the following: 

  • the director of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Paris Institute of Political Studies), the director of the Graduate School, the scientific director of the Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (National Foundation of Political Science),
  • four research professors in charge of Ph.D. programmes and appointed by the Graduate School's executive committee,
  • five directors of Sciences Po research centres, appointed by the director of IEP Paris on the basis of a proposal from the director of the FNSP,
  • four well-known figures from relevant industrial and socio-economic sectors, appointed by the director of IEP Paris on the basis of a proposal from the director of the Graduate School,
  • four well-known figures from the sciences, appointed by the director of IEP Paris on the basis of a proposal from the director of the Graduate School,
  • a Graduate School personnel representative, elected by peers,
  • five IEP Paris Ph.D. representatives, elected by peers.
Section #doctorants

Ph.D. student representatives

The Board includes five Ph.D. student representatives from IEP Paris elected by their peers.

Results of the 2024 elections - Doctoral School Council | Elections from 8 to 10 October 2024

  • Number of voters on the electoral list: 291
  • Number of ballot papers in the ballot box: 131
  • Participation rate: 45.02%
  • Number of valid votes cast: 123
  • Number of blank ballot papers: 8
  • Invalid ballot papers: 0
  • Number of seats to be filled: 5

The only list standing for election, ‘Collectif des doctorants-e-s de Sciences Po’, obtained 123 votes (100%).

The following were elected as doctoral student representatives:

  • CHBARI Sofyaine with for substitute: LAM Lucas
  • DE LA TORRE CARREIRA Marta with for substitute: CARBUCCIA Laudine
  • SERREAU Maximilien with for substitute: AZOULAY Tom
  • LAVIER Cécile with for substitute: JAN Zoé
  • THABOUREY Lucien with for substitute: PERRIN Marius

Contact: listesyndicaledoctorante.iep@gmail.com

Section #personnel

Staff Representative

Results from the 2021 elections – Board of the Graduate School (elections held the 9-10 November 2021)

Are elected as representative of the staff:

  • Audrey Baneyx (Titulaire) et Diego Antolinos-Basso (Suppléant)
  • Hadjila Nezlioui-Serraz (Titulaire) et Clémentine Scott (Suppléante)

=> Download the minutes of the vote - Collège des personnels (PDF, 361Ko) (in French)

Section #cr