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Professional development for PhD students

Professional development for PhD students is a priority for the School of Research.

Sciences Po Careers 

Sciences Po Careers prepares, guides and facilitates Sciences Po students’ transition to professional life for up to two years after graduation. This service is also a central information point for any employer wishing to recruit Sciences Po students and recent graduates. Dedicated contacts for recent graduates of the School of Research: Fabrice Barthélémy and Vera Broichhagen.

The Sciences Po labs

The Sciences Po Research Centers also help PhD students prepare for future careers. The Sciences Po Department of Economics doctoral programme organises Job Market training sessions focusing on spoken and written communication. Economics Department teaching staff assist students with interview and seminar preparation. 

Professional development seminars

Each year the Sciences Po School of Research organises professional development seminars: 


IVICA brings together the research communities of eight major European universities, including Sciences Po. The objective is to create a European research space for the humanities and social sciences, based on shared resources, facilities and pools of expertise. Through a variety of joint initiatives and opportunities, CIVICA enables PhD students and researchers to discuss current research, advance their professional and methodological skills, team up for collaborative projects, and network with colleagues working on similar topics.

CIVICA's offerings at the (post)doctoral level include the catalogue of courses for junior researchers, summer schools, methods and skills workshops, and doctoral conferences. For researchers, CIVICA offers rich opportunities for collaboration and exchange on current and emerging European challenges, notably through CIVICA Research.

The Centre for Doctoral Student Professional Training (CFDip)

Consult the catalogue of training courses organised by the Centre for Doctoral Student Professional Training (CFDip).

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