Home>Doctor Honoris Causa
Doctor Honoris Causa
Chairperson of the Fondation nationale des sciences politiques,
President of Sciences Po,
are pleased to invite you to the awarding ceremony of the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of Sciences Po to
Executive Director of Memorial International
Through Elena Zhemkova, it is the entire Memorial organisation that Sciences Po wants to honour.
The laudation will be pronounced by Sabine DULLIN, Professor of Modern History of Russia, Head of the Department of History.
Tuesday 21 June, 2022 at 6:00pm
Amphitheater Émile Boutmy
27, rue Saint-Guillaume 75007 Paris Please register here before Friday 17 June, 2022
Elena Zhemkova's biography
In 1987, Elena Zhemkova was a co-founder of Memorial Society. Since 1988, she has been working as member of its Board and since 1995 as Executive Director of Memorial Historical, Educational and Human Rights Society. Besides that, she supervises Russian-German projects and coordinates the International Memorial regional network, which contain more than 50 regional organizations from Belorussia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Russia, and Ukraine. Her main academic interests include the history of political repression and a comparative analysis of the Nazi and Soviet repression mechanisms. Her field of non-government interests is the development of the third sector organizations and their promotions.