Home>Career Fair 2023


Career Fair 2023

Sciences Po's annual 1st jobs and internships recruitment fair will take place on Friday the 29th of September on our Parisian Campus (1 Saint-Thomas) and will continue online on the 3rd and the 4th of October.

For employers, this Fair is a unique opportunity to meet with more than 2,000 of our students, doctoral students and young graduates which possess a wide range of professional expertises in their business fields and sectors (consulting, banking, finance, energy, environment, international relations, impact, luxury, retailing, marketing, communications, media, journalism, real estate, housing, urban planning, public affairs, defense & security, law...).

For our students, this fair can help them identify future internship and work opportunities. Their multidisciplinary training has provided them with the key skills to understand and analyze the complex environmental and technological challenges companies are faced with.

Get ready

1. Take part in careers workshops (CV, covering letter, distance interview, etc.)

2. Participate in the Forum preparation sessions:

  • Thursday 21 September 1pm - 2pm in english register
  • Thursday 21 September 3pm - 4pm in french register

3. Prepare your profile on Seekube

4. Consult the digital forum guide (available from 20 September)
Find all the information you need in September on the Sciences Po Carrières website.

Information Sessions: Masters

Information session

Find out more about the Masters programs and the wide choice of specialisations offered by the 7 Schools of Sciences Po during our webinars dedicated to applicants.

Sign up