Home>Economics: Congratulations to our 2021/22 Job Market Candidates !


Economics: Congratulations to our 2021/22 Job Market Candidates !

Congratulations to Vladimir AVETIAN, Oliver CASSAGNEAU-FRANCIS, Pauline CORBLET, Alaïs MARTIN-BAILLON, Clément MAZET-SONILHAC, & Julia MINK!

>Our PhD programme trains top economists who seek to pursue university and academic careers in France or abroad, as well as careers requiring high-level doctoral training: in international organisations, think tanks, research institutions, government agencies, banks, and insurance companies.

After a couple of years running interference with COVID-19, the international job market proved to be more intense than ever and we are very proud to announce that our six candidates have all secured positions in great universities!

Vladimir AVETIAN

Vladimir Avetian

Vladimir AVETIAN will be joining the Université Dauphine-Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in September 2022. He will be working on a joint project with BlaBlaCar.

Currently a Teaching Fellow (A.T.E.R.) at the Department, he will be defending this year his PhD thesis entitled Essays on Discrimination and Urban Economics (supervised by Sergei GURIEV).

His research interests are in political economy and urban economics. To name but a few issues his research covers: overt and subtle racial discrimination in Russia, the impact of the pandemic and social media on the composition of BLM protests, and the impact of overtourism on quality of Parisian restaurants and amenities in Paris. 

To learn more about Vladimir AVETIAN, consult his website


Oliver Cassagneau Francis

Oliver CASSAGNEAU-FRANCIS will join University College London's Faculty of Education and Society (IoE) as a Research Fellow this Fall at their Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO).

He will be defending this month his thesis entitled The Returns to On-the-Job Training (supervised by Ghazala AZMAT and Jean-Marc ROBIN). 

His research interests are in interested in labour economics, and in particular why people choose different levels of education and investigating how these choices affect their lives.

To learn more about Oliver CASSAGNEAU-FRANCIS, consult his website


Pauline Corblet

Pauline CORBLET will be joining the University of Luxemburg for a year as a Postdoctoral Fellow and then will join the University of New York in Abu Dhabi as Assistant Professor of Economics in September 2023. 

She defended her PhD thesis entitled A Structural Analysis of Dynamic Matching's Factors on the Labour Market (supervised by Alfred GALICHON) last month.

Her research interests include matching theory, labour economics, and structural econometrics. Her job market paper builds a one-to-many matching model with multidimensional worker types that helps explain the decreasing schooling premium in Portugal in 1987-2007.  

To learn more about Pauline CORBLET, consult her website



Alaïs Martin-Baillon

Alaïs MARTIN-BAILLON is on her way to the University of Copenhagen as a Postdoctoral Fellow for one year, and then she will join New York University at Adu Dhabi as Assistant Professor of Economics in September 2023. 

She defended her thesis entitled Rethinking Monetary Policies in Heterogeneous Agents Models (supervised by Xavier RAGOT) last December.

Her research focuses on heterogeneous agents, firms, and fiscal policy & monetary policy. Her recent work studies the highly relevant issue of the optimal taxation of heterogeneous firms over the business cycle. She also works on the role of monetary policy for redistribution.

To learn more about Alaïs MARTIN-BAILLON, consult her website


Clément Mazet-SonilhacClément MAZET-SONILHAC, who is currently a Research Economist at the Banque de France and a Research Associate at the Collège de France Economics of Innovation Labwill be joining the Finance Department of  Bocconi University as an Assistant Professor in September 2022.

He defended his Phd thesis entitled In Search of Frictions (supervised by Thomas CHANEY) in June 2021.

His research interests are in corporate finance, international trade, and information frictions. 

To learn more about Clément MAZET-SONILHAC, consult his website

Julia MINK

Julia Mink

Julia MINKwho is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (INRAE), will be joining the University of Bonn as the Argelander Assistant Professor for Environmental Economics, Sustainability and Inequality at the Department of Economics this Fall.

She defended her PhD thesis entitled The Effects of Major Life Events and Exposure to Adverse Environmental Conditions on Health and Health-Related Outcomes (supervised by Etienne WASMER and Olivier ALLAIS) in October 2021.

To learn more about Julia MINK, consult her website

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
