Home>Gabriele MARIANI, Class of 2021


Gabriele MARIANI, Class of 2021

Can you take us through your academic background?

Before joining Sciences Po, I had a degree in Philosophy, International and Economic Studies from Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice. I had also spent one year as an exchange student at King’s College London, where I discovered my interest for social research. I chose the Research Master in Sociology at Sciences Po because I liked its blend of sociology and political science theories, as well as the strong focus on methodology.

What inspired your interest in Sociology?

I grew up in a family where people often talked about politics. Therefore, since a young age, I have always had an interest in political matters, and current events more in general. As I ventured into subjects like Philosophy during highschool, and even more so during my Bachelor, I’ve realised that this interest for me was strictly linked to the understanding of society at large. Hence, my choice to study sociology and work in social research later.

What skills did your years as a student at the School of Research give you?

Through the Research Master in Sociology, I have learned to look at determinate political phenomena from a sociological perspective. I have also improved my understanding of the different social research methods, putting them into practice by realising a master thesis. The latter has been a particularly formative experience for me, while the broad knowledge of social research methods has proved helpful in my current job.

Which lecturer or course made the greatest impression on you?

The master thesis was a particularly formative experience for me both from a personal and professional point of view. I am very grateful to Prof. Emanuele Ferragina for having supported me in that journey. A course which particularly impressed me, and which inspired my thesis subject, was Economic Sociology with Prof. Sophie Dubuisson-Quellier. After studying markets and economic relations from an Economics’ perspective in my Bachelor's, this sociological course really transformed my way of looking at those phenomena.

What are your fondest memories of your school, cohort and lecturers?

I have nice memories of my days at the Research School. Despite the limitations imposed by the Coronavirus pandemic during my time there, at the Research School I found a small and supportive community of students and professors, attentive to the needs of their students. The work we did with SORA, the School of Research Association, proved the continued engagement and the resilience of the students’ community during the difficult times of the pandemic, something which characterises the whole Sciences Po community.

What position do you work in today?

I am currently working as a Research Executive for Kantar Public, a multinational research and consulting organization in the political and institutional field. Based in Bruxelles, I work on public opinion studies for the EU and other international organizations.

What were the key steps involved in deciding on and launching your career?

Before joining Sciences Po I had already done a first internship, working on graduate employment surveys for Bocconi University in Milan. This experience made me realise my interest in working in a research-related role within the private sector. However, after a second internship experience in market research and CSR, undertaken during my time at Sciences Po, I realised that I wanted to keep my focus on political research. Therefore, after I graduated, I joined Kantar Public as an intern, later moving to a permanent position.

How has your academic background contributed to the position you work in currently?

My understanding of the different social research methods has proved very useful in this role. Learning how to use R, and getting accustomed to working with large databases, also provided good practice for this job. The knowledge of politics and the institutional sphere is also key.

Do you have any advice for students hoping to enter the sector you work in today?

I would suggest anyone interested in working in political and social research to get the most from the methodological practice offered by the Research School, including the master thesis. On top of that, they should take advantage of the internship opportunities available to Sciences Po students, putting to good use the time they are not strictly dedicating to the Master. There are also various student associations at Sciences Po, or elsewhere, who can give you the opportunity to publish reports or papers with them, often dealing with current events which might be interesting to recruiters, and future clients.

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>[ February 2022 ]

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Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
