Home>Interview with Tatiana COUTTO, Marie Curie Fellow - CEE, Sciences Po


Interview with Tatiana COUTTO, Marie Curie Fellow - CEE, Sciences Po

Tatiana Coutto

Tatiana COUTTO, Marie Curie Fellow - CEE, Sciences Po : 

« The course was very informative and there was a good interaction among the participants despite the 100% online format… » 

Could you tell us more about your area of research? 

I'm currently a Marie Curie fellow at CEE. My area of research is political science with an emphasis on political integration. I'm currently working on how European media has reported European integration since the 1990s. 

You are one of the first users of the CIVICA ESR Courses Catalogue. Which course have you attended and what was your overall experience with this class? 

An Introduction to Survey Research: Benefits and Pitfalls from Design to Implementation (Dr Jessica Breaugh, Hertie School). I have a very positive first experience. The course was very informative and there was a good interaction among the participants despite the 100% online format. The feedback regarding survey design provided by the instructor was also very valuable. 

Based on your experience, would you recommend other Early Stage Researchers to attend courses, seminars or workshops at other CIVICA partner universities? Why?

I certainly recommend attending CIVICA courses - it is a good way to keep focused on the research work, to know people working on related topics and to know about their projects. 

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