Home>Irène Coelho Gaspar, 2023 MIDI Research Prize


Irène Coelho Gaspar, 2023 MIDI Research Prize

Irène Coelho Gaspar, 2023 MiDi Research Prize


Congratulations to Irène COELHO GASPAR (Sciences Po, School of Research) for her thesis “Sortir les « Tos » de l’arrière-cour : trajectoires genrées, associatives et militantes de jeunes Portugais∙es de France (1960-1980)”. The jury appreciated the socio-historical approach used in this thesis, which focuses on the associative life of people of Portuguese ethnicity in France, as well as the analysis of Convergences 84 and the mobilization of those of Portuguese ethnicity in debates against racism and for equality.

Irène Coelho Gaspar completed her Master's degree in History in June 2023. She decided to complete this programme following an internship with the ATD-Quart Monde, an association focused on action and participatory research. Writing a thesis was an opportunity for her to learn more about the history of struggles linked to feminism and the rights of immigrants, two commitments she supports on a daily basis. Her work gave her a new perspective on contemporary issues related to these themes.

MiDi Research Prize

This prize, launched in 2023 for the first time, aims to reward the outstanding efforts of young researchers at the master’s and PhD levels across all Sciences Po schools and departments, and raises the profile of rigorous and innovative research on issues related to international migration and/or ethno-cultural diversity.

MiDi was created in 2020 as a collective interdisciplinary initiative with the aim of strengthening interactions between researchers from different Sciences Po research centres around issues of international migration and ethno-cultural diversity. It brings together scientists from the Centre for International Studies (CERI), the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE), the Centre for Research on Social Inequalities (CRIS), the Law School, the Department of History, the Department of Economics, the Centre for Political Research at Sciences Po (CEVIPOF) and the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies (LIEPP). The research produced at Sciences Po on these issues covers a wide range of themes, such as asylum and migration flows, the right of asylum, borders, the integration of migrants, ethno-racial discrimination and inequalities in the European and global contexts.

The jury, composed of Hélène LE BAIL (Sciences Po, CERI), Virginie GUIRAUDON (Sciences Po, CEE), Hélène THIOLLET (Sciences Po, CERI), Christophe POULY (Sciences Po Law School), and Mohamed ELSAYEH (Sciences Po Law School), was pleased with the number and quality of all applications. 

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
