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Oxford & Sciences Po

Sciences Po is pleased to announce the extension of its scientific cooperation with the University of Oxford within the framework of the OxPo network (Oxford-Sciences Po Network) for four additional years, until 2026.

Developed since 2010, this programme organises scientific cooperation between Sciences Po and several departments of the University of Oxford -  Politics and International Relations, Social Policy and Intervention, Sociology - as well as with the Oxford Center for European History (OCEH).

Since its launch, OxPo has given the opportunity of carrying out research stays to nearly 60 researchers and more than 80 doctoral and post-doctoral students on both sides of the Channel. These stays have in particular enabled young researchers to considerably strengthen their scientific potential, as evidenced by their impressive academic careers.

OxPo has also allowed for the organisation of numerous high level conferences and the conduct of relevant joint research projects on major topics such as immigration, democracy and Europe, most often from a comparative perspective.

Under the new agreement, Sciences Po and the University of Oxford's Departments stated above and the OCEH will continue to exchange annually up to five young scholars and three academics who will visit the other institution with the status of Academic Visitor. 

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Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
