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Research Career Week

What does a researcher's job involve? Whether they work in academic or applied research, researchers contribute to the growth of knowledge in their field by conducting research and scientific projects on new issues in a vast field of the humanities and social sciences: law, economics, history, sociology, political science, international relations, data and urban planning, environment… Whatever their discipline, researchers promote and disseminate their results to the scientific, institutional and economic communities (companies and organisations).



12h30 - 2h00 pm: Opening Round Table: Working in research


  • Hugo de Tarlé, Spécialiste en études économiques à la Banque de France (Master de sociologie, 2018) 
  • Delphine Allès Professeure des universités en Science politique à l’INALCO (Doctorat de Science politique, 2011)
  • >Lucas Spinosa, Researcher Enel Foundation , (diplômé Ecole d'affaires publiques de SciencesPo & Fudan University, 2020)
  • Hemal Thakker, Research Assistant, Observatory of Populism, Institut Montaigne and Consultant at Expertise France (diplômé de PSIA, School of International Affairs, Master in Environmental Policy)
  • Parnika Ray, Director at New Global Perspectives, (diplômé de PSIA, School of International Affairs, Master in Advanced Global Studies)

Modération étudiante : Léa Settepani, étudiante en master Economie, membre du bureau de l'Association SORA (School of Research Association).

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5h00 - 6h30 pm: Round Table: Working in applied research


  • Elise Cathala, Chargée d'études opinion chez Viavoice (Master en science politique, 2020)
  • Agnès Casado, Manager - Innovation et politiques publiques, chez ALCIMED (Master en histoire 2013) 
  • Julie Lenoir, Informaticienne au Services des Enquêtes de l'Ined (Master en économie, 2018)  
  • Gabriele Mariani, Research Executive chez Kantar Public (Master en sociologie, 2021) 
  • Hugo Plassais, Apprenti rédacteur Affaires économiques chez Business France (Master en sciences politique, 2020) 

Modération étudiante : Jeanne-Louise Roellinger, étudiante du master en science politique étudiante, majeure Relations internationales et Simon Audebert, étudiant en master en science politique, majeure comportement politique, tous deux membres du bureau de l'Association SORA (School of Research Association).

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6h30 - 8h00 pm: Networking rersearch careers

Meet Sciences Po graduates working in applied research, within companies and organisations, or in academic research. They will be able to tell you more about how they have built up their careers and provide you with precious advice.

See the list of graduate students already enrolled...

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Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
