Home>U-Multirank 2022: Sciences Po stands out for its international dimension and its research


U-Multirank 2022: Sciences Po stands out for its international dimension and its research

Created in 2014 by the European Commission to compare universities by taking into account a variety of criteria, U Multirank 2022 evaluated more than 2200 universities in nearly 100 countries. In this sense, it constitutes a public alternative to the major world rankings established by private bodies.

>Unlike the latter, U-Multirank is interested in the performance of universities in the variety of their missions: research but also teaching, international openness, knowledge transfer, regional commitment. U-Multirank classifies institutions into five performance levels from A to E for each of the indicators assessed (A expressing "very good" performance and E "poor" performance).

This year, Sciences Po is ranked in group A in several of the areas assessed. The quality of its research is distinguished by the number of citations of the scientific articles of its researchers in the academic literature . U-Multirank also places Sciences Po in the best institution category for its international openness thanks to the internationalization of its permanent faculty and student mobility. U-Multirank  also highlights the importance of our  investments in digital education.

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Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
