Home>Welcome session
Welcome session
>The Welcome Session will take place in the presence of Mathias Vicherat, President of Sciences Po, Pierre François, Dean of the School of Research, Heads of studies and the whole team of the Research School.
We look forward to meeting you all and welcoming you
to the School of Research!
Date: Thursday 25 August 2022 from 14:45 (Reception from 14:30)
Place: Amphithéâtre Jacques Chapsal, 27 rue Saint-Guillaume – 75007 Paris.
Inaugural Lecture by Philippe DESCOLA
To mark the start of the new academic year at the School of Research, Philippe DESCOLA will give the school’s inaugural lecture on the theme of “Worlds to Come”.
DESCOLA is a Professor of the Anthropology of Nature at the Collège de France and the director of the Social Anthropology Laboratory (ENS/EHESS). He studied philosophy at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Saint-Cloud and ethnology at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (6th section), where he defended a doctoral thesis under the supervision of Claude Lévi-Strauss.
After several years spent conducting ethnographic research in the Amazon, he was appointed as a lecturer and then as director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. He holds the Chair of the Anthropology of Nature at the Collège de France and is director of the Social Anthropology Laboratory (ENS/EHESS).
The inaugural lecture will be held in French with English translation and will be followed by a questions and answers session.
Meetings of new masters students:
This first discussion will be followed by a meeting for your master's programme specifically, organised by your Director of Studies.
From 16:45 to 18:30 :
- Economics (Prof. Pierre-Philippe Combes):
Room J208 -13 rue de l'Université56, rue des Saints-Pères - Salle Goguel - History (Prof. Marion Fontaine): Room 931 - 9 rue de la Chaise
- Sociology (Prof. Ettore Recchi): Room 933 -9 rue de la Chaise
- Political science (Prof. Colin Hay) :
- 16h45-17h15: General reception - Amphi Chapsal
- 17h15-18h30: Meetings by Programme:
- Political Behavior (Prof. Romain Lachat) - Room S07 - 13 rue de l'Universit
- Comparative Politics (Prof. Laurence Louër) - Room S08 - 13 rue de l'Université S08
- International Relations (Prof. Thierry Balzacq) - Room C.S25 - 1 place Saint Thomas d'Aquin
For Public Policy and Political Theory majors, the date and location of your meeting will be will be communicated at a later date.
Meetings of new PhD students:
From 16h45 à 17h45: Meeting lead by the Dean, Pierre François – Room Eugène d'Eichtal - 27 rue St-Guillaume
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A reminder: Classes will start on Monday, August 29th, 2022