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Programme structure - master regional and urban strategy
Year 1: the fundamentals
Students have two semesters of courses on the fundamentals of urban studies, modes of governance and regions in France and Europe:
- The first semester consists of core courses on urban governance, public policies and regions in the European Union, urban history, urban sociology and local government law. Methodological workshops on mapping, statistical survey methods and qualitative surveys complete the picture.
- The second semester is organised around major legal and economic issues (urban law, urban and regional economics) and the analysis of specific topics (health, lifestyles, risk, etc), along with training in local public finances and management.
Throughout the year, students work on a practical, professionally-focused group project.
N.B.: a bridge is possible between the first year of the Master STU and the Urban planning programme
Year 2: professional competence and advanced theory
This second year may be carried out in apprenticeship.
- The third semester enables students to further their understanding of public policy, while focusing on professional practices and developing specialized skills, with:
- Lectures: private actors of urban intervention, network economies, transport and mobility.
- Practical workshops: housing, innovation, sustainable economy, effectiveness of public policy, tourism, social policy, risk, etc. Workshops are taught by practitioners and based on case studies, group work and role-plays.
- An architecture and urban planning course
- The fourth semester is given over to a professional internship of at least 14 weeks, and preferably six months, supervised by the programme's senior faculty. Students write an internship report at the end of the semester.
Tracks (optionals)
Research track: students who intend to do a PhD can begin a research track in sociology or political science in the second semester of the Master's programme.
Risk track: interested students can take specific courses on urban and regional risks from the third semester onwards. This track provides the concepts and instruments necessary to identify, measure, represent, evaluate and manage risks and disasters at the regional level.
Dual degrees
In partnership with the London School of Economics (United Kingdom), the dual Master's programme in Urban Policy allows students to complete their first year in the Sciences Po Regional and Urban Strategy programme and their second year in the "Urban Policy" programme at LSE.
In partnership with the Centro de Estudios Demográficos, Urbanos e Ambientales (CEDUA) of the Colegio de México, the Dual master Comparative Urban Governance suggest to the students making a first year in the Master Governing the large metropolis (GLM) in english or in the Regional and Urban Strategy master (STU) in french, for a training on comparative urban governance in Europe and the international, with a strong focus on the Latin American cities.
Points clés
- Two-year Master's
- Language: French
- ECTS: 120minimum