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Career Opportunities
A pedagogy directed to the training of versatile urban managers
The unique positioning of the Sciences Po Urban School creates specialists of local public policy with keen expertise and specific skills, equipped to engage with the enormous variety of urban issues. With a fine appreciation of the political sphere and its workings, steeped in the various urban cultures through their social science education, professionals educated at the Urban School are both public policy makers and leaders. These urban managers can speak the language of the various actors involved in urban dynamics, not least the language of figures which is an important focus of the programmes.
So the students are prepared for all the urban and territorial areas. They become effectives and relevants young professionals as well in a construction firm or digital major as a mayor’s office, a regional health authority or a landscape architecture firm, a real estate developer or a design and engineering firm, a local energy agency or an international organisation… All these jobs being possible in France but also in Europe and in the worldwilde cities.
Multiple business sectors and opportunities
91% of students found a job before graduating or in the 6 month after graduation
The sectors which hire the students of the Urban School are thus varied, and the careers of our former students also demonstrate the capacity of the training to make back and forth between types of sectors, structures and territories.
The main business sectors are:
- Consulting agency and engineering consulting firms in development, town planning and sustainable development
- International organizations - NGO – Associations
- Services - Industries - Energies – Transport
- Administration - Political Office - Associations of elected representatives
- Consulting in urban and political policies
- Real estate – Housing – Habitat
Job opportunities by profession:
Director of a ministerial office - Director of an urban planning and development agency - Research and planning officer - ESS officer - Urban affairs and development manager - Real estate transactions officer - Real estate development manager - Parliamentary or municipal assistant - Public finances consultant - Sustainable development consultant - Design engineer - Director of housing - Communication and cooperation manager - Marketing and development manager - Smart city business development manager - International development manager -Transport and mobility - Design and planning project manager
Find out more about career opportunities after a Master's degree at the Urban School:
Get ready for professional life: tools
Academic training dispensed in the various programs of the Urban School allows the acquisition of essential analytical skills to the professionalization of the students. That it is disciplinary courses of social sciences, regional courses or teachings of methods, all participate to forge their rigor of analysis.
Every Master's degree organizes within its program training courses distributed by practitioners:
Called also capstone or working group, this highlight of Master's degrees Regional and Urban Strategy, Governing the Large Metropolis, Governing Ecological Transitions in Cities and the Urban Planning Programme, puts the students in professional situation. These have to answer to a request of a private or public structure on an urban or territorial problem (housing environment, planning, economic development, transport, mobility, etc.).
During 5 to 9 months (according to the course), every team from 4 to 5 students works under the supervision of a tutor, a specialist of the handled question. The project ends in an oral presentation of the students to the partner. This period of renditions takes place of the end of May to the middle of June.
The internships and the alternation are supervised at the same time by referents of internship, educational tutors (alternation) and the academic advisors to ensure a follow-up to the students.
Sandrine BOISARD, Careers referent of the Urban School