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Career opportunities in the urban and regional planning sector after a Master’s degree

Buenos Aires city centre, Argentina (credits: Arts Illustrated Studios / Shutterstock)

The aim of the Sciences Po Urban School’s Master’s programmes is to prepare students for careers in urban planning, regional development, and real estate, in the public, private or nonprofit sectors.

Section #skills

Skills acquired after a Master’s in urban planning at Sciences Po

The Master’s programmes offered by the Sciences Po Urban School enable students to develop the following professional skills:

  • Anticipate the impacts of environmental, digital, social, and societal transitions in developing and implementing planning and real estate strategies
  • Decipher the strategies of the various stakeholders in the planning and real estate value chain
  • Detect opportunities for change so as to adapt projects to the specificities of each city or region
  • Master design and design support tools
  • Develop and support complex projects
  • Organise cooperative tasks, mobilise and facilitate partnerships around a project
  • Plan project resources (human, technical, financial)
  • Analyse and evaluate public policies

> Find out more about the Urban School’s Masters programmes.

Section #fields

Professional fields in the urban planning and regional development sector

On completion of the Master’s programmes, the knowledge and skills acquired open up career opportunities in various fields:

  • Public planning agencies (Établissements publics d'aménagement - EPA)
  • Public real estate development agencies (Établissements publics fonciers et d'aménagement - EPFA)
  • Regional planning agencies (Établissements publics territoriaux - EPT)
  • Councils
  • Ministries
  • Regional Directorates for the Environment, Planning and Housing (Directions régionales de l'Environnement, de l'Aménagement et du Logement - DREAL)
  • Architecture, planning and environment advice agencies (Conseils d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de l’environnement - CAUE)
  • Architectural firms
  • Economic development agencies
  • Urban planning agencies
  • Consulting firms
  • Design and engineering firms
  • Real estate developers
  • Land developers
  • Services companies
  • NGOs
  • Nonprofits
  • Donors
Section #jobs

Jobs and professions after a Master in urban planning

An Urban School Master’s degree allows graduates to work in a wide range of professional environments, in the public or private sectors.

The training opens the door to a variety of professions for a career in areas related to urban and regional planning:

  • Project leader in an agency
  • Research and planning officer
  • Policy officer, social and solidarity economy
  • Policy officer, small towns of the future
  • Real estate operations manager
  • Real estate development officer
  • Research engineer
  • Urban planner
  • Developer
  • Regional development project manager
  • Real estate project manager
  • Assistant to contracting authorities
  • Contracting authority support and engineering firms
  • Property and economic strategy manager
  • Urban renewal project manager
  • Strategy/organisation consultant
  • Architectural programmer


Section #examples

Examples of institutions and companies in the urban planning and regional development sector

Many of our graduates go on to senior positions in companies, organisations and institutions in the urban planning, regional development, and real estate sector.

Here are some examples of institutions and companies that may be of interest to urban planning students:

Public sector



NGOs & nonprofits

International institutions / international donors

Key figures

  • 400


  • 31%

    are international students

  • 35 to 80

    students per programme for individual support and personalised study pathways

  • 1

    study trips per Master, in France and abroad

  • 91%

    of students find a job before or within 6 months of graduation

  • 30 to 80

    students per programme, allowing a highly personalised training

  • 124

    professors, researchers and teachers from the corporate world

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