Home>Conference "Geopolitics of Smart Cities: Expression of Soft Power and New Order"


Conference "Geopolitics of Smart Cities: Expression of Soft Power and New Order"

About this event

12 October 2022 from 19:00 until 20:30

Organized by

Urban School of Sciences Po and URBAN AI

With the growing US-China rivalry and the rise of Safe Cities, digital infrastructures and urban technologies are more than ever becoming the new geopolitical battleground. But who are the stakeholders of this new order? And how are they interacting and expressing themselves?

We will explore those questions (and many others!) with worldwide and multidisciplinary experts:

• Introduction by Hubert Beroche (Founder of URBAN AI)

Roundtable with:

  • Antoine Courmont (Scientific Director of the Cities and Digital Technology Chair at Sciences Po Urban School)
  • Beatriz Botero (Assistant Professor at Sciences Po and Co-Founder at Egelands Institute)
  • Raphaël Languillon, Researcher (Project Research Lead at Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires Etrangères) 

>Moderation by Lina Goelzer (Research Assistant at URBAN AI)


About this event

12 October 2022 from 19:00 until 20:30

Organized by

Urban School of Sciences Po and URBAN AI