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Final presentation "Toile Campus Le Havre Normandie. Actors, links and places of a territory in reinvention."

The study is part of the territory’s attractiveness policy, including the creation of the “Le Havre Normandie Campus’. Aiming to highlight existing or remaining links between higher education, research and the economic world.

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Final presentation "Toile Campus Le Havre Normandie. Actors, links and places of a territory in reinvention."

The study is part of the territory’s attractiveness policy, including the creation of the “Le Havre Normandie Campus’. Aiming to highlight existing or remaining links between higher education, research and the economic world.

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Final presentation "The rise of territories in the electricity market"

The study was based on extensive literature review, interviews in Paris and in the regions, and two in-depth case studies on the territory of Dunkirk, and the union Energies Vienne.

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Final presentation "The rise of territories in the electricity market"

The study was based on extensive literature review, interviews in Paris and in the regions, and two in-depth case studies on the territory of Dunkirk, and the union Energies Vienne.

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Publication of the study trip report to Montpellier and Sète!

The aim of a study trip is to allow students to learn to observe places, to ask questions that promote exchange, and to analyze data in a comparative and critical manner. The entry point of this trip was based on a reflection that is dear to the students: to question the tension between Montpellier and Sète.

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Publication of the study trip report to Montpellier and Sète!

The aim of a study trip is to allow students to learn to observe places, to ask questions that promote exchange, and to analyze data in a comparative and critical manner. The entry point of this trip was based on a reflection that is dear to the students: to question the tension between Montpellier and Sète.

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Final presentation "The citizen participation"

The students carried out a study on citizen participation in large cities, conurbations and metropolises. The report stresses the need to clarify the rules of non-regulatory participation.

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Final presentation "The citizen participation"

The students carried out a study on citizen participation in large cities, conurbations and metropolises. The report stresses the need to clarify the rules of non-regulatory participation.

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Final presentation "Conception of a study trip to the United Kingdom"

Group project: Conception of a 5-day study trip to the United Kingdom on the topic "After Brexit: The United Kingdom facing its territorial fractures" The five-day trip took place in London, Manchester and Stoke-on-Trent.

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Final presentation "Conception of a study trip to the United Kingdom"

Group project: Conception of a 5-day study trip to the United Kingdom on the topic "After Brexit: The United Kingdom facing its territorial fractures" The five-day trip took place in London, Manchester and Stoke-on-Trent.

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Final presentation "The inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in the city"

The study aims to highlight good local governance practices that promote theintegration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and other LGBTQI+ people in the city. The aim is to promote an inclusive vision of the city and to identify practices to promote living together. The report makes concrete recommendations for mayors.

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Final presentation "The inclusion of LGBTQI+ people in the city"

The study aims to highlight good local governance practices that promote theintegration of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex and other LGBTQI+ people in the city. The aim is to promote an inclusive vision of the city and to identify practices to promote living together. The report makes concrete recommendations for mayors.

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Final presentation "Digital data for urban renewal"

Group project focused on understanding how digital data can address challenges of urban renewal operations. Three tracks would revolve around the co-production of a data governance charter.

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Final presentation "Digital data for urban renewal"

Group project focused on understanding how digital data can address challenges of urban renewal operations. Three tracks would revolve around the co-production of a data governance charter.

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Group projects : the final presentations started!

A group project is a highlight of Master's degrees. Students have to answer to an order of a public structure on an urban or territorial problem. The project ends in an oral presentation of the students.

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Group projects : the final presentations started!

A group project is a highlight of Master's degrees. Students have to answer to an order of a public structure on an urban or territorial problem. The project ends in an oral presentation of the students.

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The urban planning programme in workshop in Berlin

The students will respond to an order from the Berlin municipality. The city hall questioned the establishment of cooperative urban development processes. The complexity of the district is also linked to the presence of a heavily restructured historical fabric.

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The urban planning programme in workshop in Berlin

The students will respond to an order from the Berlin municipality. The city hall questioned the establishment of cooperative urban development processes. The complexity of the district is also linked to the presence of a heavily restructured historical fabric.

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New Working paper for the Cities and digital technology chair

Alvaro Artigas is a researcher at Sciences Po’s Centre for EuropeanStudies and Comparative Policy. He is member of the Strategic Committee of the Cities and digital technology chair. He discusses the growth of Chinese ICT companies and its consequences.

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New Working paper for the Cities and digital technology chair

Alvaro Artigas is a researcher at Sciences Po’s Centre for EuropeanStudies and Comparative Policy. He is member of the Strategic Committee of the Cities and digital technology chair. He discusses the growth of Chinese ICT companies and its consequences.

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"Data, platforms and cities" conference

The conference aims to question the dynamics of power in cities. How do digital companies aim to manage our daily lives? How does it feel to be managed by an algorithm? What is Google's vision of urban planning? What alternatives can be considered?

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"Data, platforms and cities" conference

The conference aims to question the dynamics of power in cities. How do digital companies aim to manage our daily lives? How does it feel to be managed by an algorithm? What is Google's vision of urban planning? What alternatives can be considered?

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The best of our students' itinerary notes

As part of the ‘Introduction to Urban History’ transversal course, students must write a itinerary note. The aim of the latter is to report on a peregrination in time and its manifestations in the city.

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The best of our students' itinerary notes

As part of the ‘Introduction to Urban History’ transversal course, students must write a itinerary note. The aim of the latter is to report on a peregrination in time and its manifestations in the city.

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Two original reports for two amazing study trips

Students of the Master of Regional and Urban Strategy went to Budapest in 2016 and Bucharest in 2017 as part of their second year study trip. Each of the two group of students made a specific studytrip report.

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Two original reports for two amazing study trips

Students of the Master of Regional and Urban Strategy went to Budapest in 2016 and Bucharest in 2017 as part of their second year study trip. Each of the two group of students made a specific studytrip report.

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Sciences Po helps you for your future student life

Sciences Po provides the Sciences Po Students website to guide the students in all their steps. This infographic summarizes the most important ones (see the infographic with the links (PDF-84Ko)).

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Sciences Po helps you for your future student life

Sciences Po provides the Sciences Po Students website to guide the students in all their steps. This infographic summarizes the most important ones (see the infographic with the links (PDF-84Ko)).

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Why study abroad? Two students testify.

Luisa Coppolino and Amélie Calafat have just returned from a semester on exchange at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. They agreed to talk to us about their experience.

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Why study abroad? Two students testify.

Luisa Coppolino and Amélie Calafat have just returned from a semester on exchange at the Bartlett School of Planning, University College London. They agreed to talk to us about their experience.

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Our students imagine the future

The course “Imaginaires des futurs urbains’, offered to first year students and apprentices, will resume this semester. It aims to explore the speeches, stories and urbanimaginaries associated with societal, environmental, technological orscientific developments.

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Our students imagine the future

The course “Imaginaires des futurs urbains’, offered to first year students and apprentices, will resume this semester. It aims to explore the speeches, stories and urbanimaginaries associated with societal, environmental, technological orscientific developments.

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Discover the Montpellier and Sète study trip!

The students in first year of the Master Regional and Urban Strategy went on a study trip in Montpellier and Sète from 9 to 12 October, 2018. Discover this journey through a video made by our students.

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Discover the Montpellier and Sète study trip!

The students in first year of the Master Regional and Urban Strategy went on a study trip in Montpellier and Sète from 9 to 12 October, 2018. Discover this journey through a video made by our students.

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México, here we come!

The students of the Master Governing the Large Metropolis are going to México this year for their study trip. The aim of the study trip is to put the analytical tools acquired in the course to use in the city.

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México, here we come!

The students of the Master Governing the Large Metropolis are going to México this year for their study trip. The aim of the study trip is to put the analytical tools acquired in the course to use in the city.

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