Home>Google, a major stakeholder in local governance ?
Google, a major stakeholder in local governance ?
Monday, 10th July 2023 | 9 a.m - 5 p.m
Sciences Po, 1 place Saint-Thomas d'Aquin, 75007 Paris
Room K.011 (gate K)
Compulsory registration
Session 1 (9 am – 12 pm) - Google and Cities: A Political Economy Approach
Nicolas Descamps (Strasbourg National School of Architecture) - Cloudless (?) A look at Google’s real estate strategies and land use in Mountain View and San José
Margherita Monti, Davide Blotta (Universita di Bologna, Universita di Urbino Carlo Bo) – The politics of Alphabet in the Occupied Territories of Palestine
Burcu Baykurt (University of Massachusetts Amherst) -
Google Urbanism 2010-2020: From Infrastructural Control to Growing Bit by Bit
Beartiz Botero (SciencesPo) - From Side Walk Toronto to Google Fiber and Google Maps: Insights from Local Government for Local Economic Development in a Digital Age
12:30 - 2 pm Lunch Break
Session 2 (2 – 5 pm) - Google’s products: policy tools impacting local policies?
Claudio Coletta (University of Bologna) -
Climate platforms and carbon-neutral strategies in cities. Google EIE and global city networks.
Florian Koch (Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW)) -
Google Environmental Insights Explorer (EIE) and the risks of standardizing urban sustainability.
Ignacio Perez Karich (Urban Big Data Centre at the University of Glasgow) - Control room analysts, Waze and Google Maps: enacting the data bricolage in traffic and fleet management in Santiago de Chile.
Antoine Courmont (Sciences Po) – Places Struggle: How Google Maps impacts local businesses.