Home>The Institut Paris Région publishes the work of our students


The Institut Paris Région publishes the work of our students

>The Institut Paris Région has just published the study carried out by our students as part of a capstone. Violette Caubet, Daphnée Govers, Thomas Janvier and Léonie Yang, students of the Master Governing the Large Metropolis, worked on «The role of private institutional investors in the creation of an affordable rental park».

The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the rental stock in four countries and the role of private institutional investors (IIP) in the presence, maintenance, creation or destruction of affordable housing in stressed areas.

"We have tried to explain the reasoning of these players when they invest in rental residential real estate, the strategies they use to establish themselves there, and the levers that can be used to attract their capital to the affordable segment of this market. Elements of historical, political, socio-cultural and legal context, determining the structure of the residential rental market and the modalities of insertion of IIP in it, are also taken into account and detailed. This approach aims to provide tracks of reflection for a comparison of these four contexts with the Île de France and for the formulation of recommendations to the Ile de France and national public authorities in their activities of regulation of the rental residential market."

Read the publication (FR)

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