Home>The 1st place of the "Make the city" challenge won by 4 students of the Urban planning programme!
The 1st place of the "Make the city" challenge won by 4 students of the Urban planning programme!
Julie Le Bourhis, Sémia Moudni, Anna Quenneville AND Margot Vandecandelaere, STUDENTS OF THE URBAN PLANNING PROGRAMME, JUST WON THE "Make the City" CHALLENGE organisED BY Agorize AND THE Palladio FOUNDATION. CONGRATULATIONS!
The Palladio Foundation and the Agorize open innovation platform launched the Make the City Challenge last September. Students from all over France, from all curricula and disciplines were invited to “imagine cities and places of life that are more human, inclusive, livable, environmentally friendly and sustainable and to participate today in the manufacture of the city, a major issue of general interest of the 21st century".
Of the 480 teams competing, the team of our students "Dans ta rue" won this 1st edition of the challenge. She was applying for the “Human and Inclusive Real Estate and Cities” category. The inclusive city cannot be thought of without a close collaboration between all its actors. In this context, the team proposes a new tool for real estate developers, called Foncier Commun, carried by a cooperative of the same name. The promoter commits to allocate a percentage of his land to the creation of a common space on the ground floor. Foncier Commun assists the promoter in the identification of local needs and actors present on the territory (associations, ESS structures). >It provides a digital platform that facilitates the management of space and the communication of local associative actors, between them and with the inhabitants.