Home>The best mayor in the world is a graduate of the Urban planning programme!


The best mayor in the world is a graduate of the Urban planning programme!

Philippe Rio, mayor of Grigny and graduate of the Urban planning programme in 1998, has just been elected « World Mayor 2021 » by the City Mayors Foundation. Congratulations!

The City Mayors Foundation is an international think tank dedicated to urban affairs. Established in 2003, "to promote, campaign for and facilitate good, open and strong local government", the foundation awards the World Mayor Price every two years. This award recognizes those who have served their communities well and who have contributed to the well-being of cities. It is the people of the world who are invited to vote.

For 2021, the foundation honours mayors "whose leadership during the Covid pandemic has provided their communities with protection and assurance". Philippe Rio won the prize, tied with Rotterdam’s mayor, Ahmed Aboutaleb, in front of thirty other candidates from all over the world.

The City Mayors Foundation: "Grigny Mayor Philippe Rio, as leader of one of the poorest towns in France, is a social visionary and pragmatist. While promoting the French values of Lib>erté, Égalité and Fraternité, he is a passionate and determined fighter against poverty and social exclusion".

This graduate of the Urban Planning programme is Mayor of the commune of Grigny, located in the department of Essonne, since 2012. He is also President of AFCDRP-Maires pour la Paix France and Vice-President in charge of sustainable development, the water cycle, biodiversity and energy production of Grand Paris Sud.

Read the interview realised by the foundation.

Virtual Graduate Open House day, October 2024

Graduate Open House Day

On 19 October 2024: meet faculty members, students and representatives and learn more about our 30 Master's programmes.
