Home>Study trip of the Master's in Regional and Urban Strategy to Amsterdam

Study trip of the Master's in Regional and Urban Strategy to Amsterdam
The students of the Master's in Regional and Urban Strategy spent a week in Amsterdam last October for their annual study trip. Study trips are crucial to understanding the territorial strategies implemented in other European cities.
Amsterdam presents itself as a contemporary laboratory city, confronting the significant challenges of the 21st century, such as climate urgency, health crises, and rising inequalities in terms of access to housing and employment.
Elected officials have chosen the donut economy model by Kate Raworth to guide the development of their city, emphasizing respect for planetary boundaries and social justice. However, the implementation on the ground, especially regarding social justice, faces obstacles. The city is grappling with major challenges, such as the housing crisis and significant gentrification, resulting from previous political choices. Additionally, the consequences of climate change, particularly the rising sea levels, exacerbate the city's vulnerability, necessitating urgent reflection on future urban development programs.
The study trip provided an opportunity to observe numerous concrete initiatives striving to embody ecological and social ambitions while highlighting tensions and contradictions through encounters with different stakeholders and visits to emblematic projects.
- Inaugural conference : Ecological Transitions, University of Amsterdam, Roeterseiland campus
- Housing and Gentrification in Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Roeterseiland campus
- Presentation of the SURE Eurodelta Programme, Voormalige Stadstimmertuin
- Closing conference : Willem Salet, Professor emeritus in Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Planning, Geography and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam.
Visits and meetings
- Circular & Creative Amsterdam North including visits to NDSM-werf, Buiksloterham and Schoonschip
- Centrinno : De Waag Future Lab
- Circle Economy Foundation and the Amsterdam Doughnut
- Visit of Buiksloterham
- Het Schip - Amsterdam as the Eldorado of Social Housing at the Beginning of the 20th Century
- Van Eesteren - The First Garden City and Urban Developments in West Amsterdam
- WoonCooperative De Bundel
- Oosterlijke Havengebied - Recycling Former Port Infrastructures for the Benefit of the Middle Class
- Feeding the city at Almere (Flevo Campus, The Naturel Paviljon)
- Climate-proof City including visits to Funenpark, Steigereiland and Ijburg
- Visit of Zuidas, from two perspectives: rainproofing the city & the financial center of Amsterdam
- Zuidas Information Centre and Audio Tour of the District