Home>The Urban planning programme in Genoa
The Urban planning programme in Genoa
THE STUDENTS OF THE urban planning programme went to GENOA from 25 to 29 may, 2021 FOR THEIR STUDY TRIP.
Genoa is the capital of Liguria, a region of northwest Italy. It is one of the main Italian ports and one of the largest ports in the Mediterranean Sea.
The trip focused on the strategic orientations of the city in the face of the decline of the industrial port, economic dynamics, the process of requalification of the historic center, and action programs for working-class neighborhoods. The students have multiplied the visits of sites as well as the meetings with local actors.
Beyond nostalgia, the city hall questions urban development, tourism and mobility and the development of the historic heart, largely still populated by its original inhabitants, often popular layers. The central district is integrated into competing spatial strategies: the port on one side, the office directional and tourism on the other.
The history of gardens and the great landscape also takes its place in the strategies of the city, in a unique position in the middle of a coastal arc prized for more than a century by international tourism.
The students were also able to question the quality of development in both cases and the interweaving of spatial and economic strategies, as well as the environmental risks, always present, of a fragile territory.