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Executive master of sustainable real estate strategy and finance

The Executive Master of Sustainable Real Estate Strategy and Finance trains actors in the public and private sector to understand and respond to shifts impacting the property world today. At its heart is an intersectoral approach to real estate and its financialization.


At the end of this Executive Master, graduates leave with a deeper understanding of the strategic and financial issues surrounding real estate and a new skillset to optimise their professional potential.

Who is it aimed at?

The Master is designed for:

  • Executives working in the real estate sector: directors or managers specialising in the oversight of real estate procedure, transactions or the marketing of real estate assets.
  • Executives working in the public sector in the fields of housing and planning, or as consultants or experts.
  • Professionals in the banking and insurance sectors: directors or managers specialising in the financing of corporate or private real estate, executives in charge of financial operations or supporting roles.
  • Professionals employed by a public or private organisation responsible for wealth or real estate management.
  • Professionals looking to move into the real estate sector.

The Executive Master of Sustainable Real Estate Strategy and Finance equips its graduates with key resources for analysis and action, and supports them to realise their career plans.


The Executive Master foregrounds an interdisciplinary approach designed to give students a deeper understanding of shifts within the real estate sector.

  • Theoretical background
  • Continual methodological support
  • Case studies and field trips (learning expeditions)
  • Masterclasses on cutting edge topics, allowing for interaction with highly qualified professionals
  • Fundamentals of project management

Target skills

Graduates leave the programme with:

  • An understanding of the broader context of real estate financialization from various angles: economic, political, strategic etc.
  • Strengthened knowledge of the real estate sector, through consideration of themes within sociology, urban planning, political science, and through international comparison.
  • Mastery of real estate-related economic and financial mechanisms; ability to identify the impacts of these.
  • A broad overview of project management in real estate finance.
  • Ability to take responsibility for elements of the corporate or private real estate value chain.

Get more information about the Executive Master of Sustainable Real Estate Strategy and Finance (FR).


Aude Vincent
Phone: +33 (0)1 45 49 63 22