Home>About>The "Cities are back in town" programme
The "Cities are back in town" programme
Objective & approach
Within the Urban School, the "Cities are back in town" research programme conducts robust social science-based research on cities and regions in France, Europe and the world. Much of the research develops comparisons within and beyond Europe. The programme organises a research seminar and publications.
This programme is supported by Nexity.
Research themes
- Government and urban governance, implementation of public policy (police, transport, housing, urban renewal, etc.)
- Social relations, lifestyles, social and ethnic inequalities in the urban environment
- Decentralisation, urban politics, institutions
- Institutions and regional economic development - stakeholder networks
- Urban social movements, riots, illegal activity
- Urban risks
- Environment, urban ecology
- Cyborg cities, digital cities
- Transnational mobility, migration, globalisation
- Ethnic and religious diversity
- Comparison of urban middle classes
New research perspectives are opened by studies and publications. Here are a few examples:
- the Paris region and French cities and regions
- European cities
- comparison of large metropolises: Mexico, Sao Paolo, London, Chicago, Los Angeles, Milan, Delhi, Hong Kong and Istanbul.
- African cities
- comparative study of segregation, Paris - Rio de Janeiro - Sao Paulo
- Middle classes in the city: comparison between France - Rio de Janeiro
- Stakeholder networks, the elite and economic development, Paris, London, Los Angeles, San Francisco
- Urban risks
True to Sciences Po's interdisciplinary tradition, the programme brings together sociologists, political scientists, economists, urban planners and historians from different laboratories:
- the Centre d'études européennes et de politique comparée (CEE)
- The Centre for Research on social Inequalities (CRIS)
- The Centre de Sociologie des Organisations (Centre for the Sociology of Organisations - CSO)
- The Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d'Évaluation des Politiques Publiques (Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Public Policy Evaluation - LIEPP) et le groupe d'économie urbaine
- le CERI
- le Centre d'histoire (Centre for History Research)