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Cities and digital technology Chair
The Chair “Villes et numérique” (Digital Cities) is a teaching and research chair founded in 2017 inside the Urban School in partnership with the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics. The Chair was closed in December 2023.
Focused on the digital transformation of the metropolis, this chair aims to develop researches and teachings on this topic in cooperation with leading companies.
Four sponsoring firms support the Chair from 2017 to 2020: Cisco, La Poste, RTE and La Caisse des dépôts et consignations. In 2020, La Poste, RTE and the Caisse des dépôts renewed their partnership for three years.
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Three corporate sponsors support the Cities and Digital Technology Chair in a three-year partnership.
« La Poste benefits from the first local network of France and has for ambition to accompany communities in their digital transformation to return a better service to the citizen.
The Group works frontally on :
- The modernization of the public action : review of the traffic rules in post offices since June, 2016, current projects on the parking, the management of the citizen relation : archiving, safety of the personal data.
- The energy transition : we train drivers in the ecomobility, thanks to our factors we propose offers of recycling or energy diagnoses for communities
- The urban logistics : we set up new infrastructures in the heart of cities to assure the last kilometer in mode of low emissions transports and we spread instructions 24 hours a day in places of passage to adapt itself to the needs for the urban dwellers.
- The new uses : we opened a first space of coworking to La Poste, places of incubation of start-up in city center.
- The adaptation of the network of contact points in town.
The expectations of the urban populations considerably evolved regarding access in services, in particular towards answers always more immediate and personalized. Due to its operator's role of the physical and from now on digital exchanges La Poste wishes to examine fields of the new "public uses" for the citizens. »
“RTE, owner and operator of the electricity transmission network in mainland France, supplies French towns and cities. With the law on energy transition, regions and cities have new prerogatives in terms of energy policy, a policy that will be part of the digital development of cities. At the same time, RTE aims to become the first electricity transmission network in Europe to combine electricity and digital. Through its participation in the Cities and Digital Chair, RTE is committed to supporting cities in this digital transition. RTE will thus optimize the existing services that it provides to the regions and will create new ones. The evolutions of the electricity transmission network will be built with the territories according to their projects.”
“The Caisse des dépôts et consignations and its subsidiaries constitute a public group serving the general interest and the economic development of the country. This group fulfills missions of general interest in support of public policies conducted by the State and local authorities and can carry out competitive activities.
The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is a special establishment responsible for administering deposits and consignments, providing services relating to the funds or funds whose management has been entrusted to it and exercising other similar powers assigned to it. are legally delegated. It is responsible for protecting people's savings, financing social housing and managing retirement organisations. It also contributes to local and national economic development, particularly in the areas of employment, urban policy, the fight against banking and financial exclusion, business creation and sustainable development.
The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is a long-term investor and contributes, while respecting its proprietary interests, to the development of companies.
The Caisse des dépôts et consignations is placed, in the most special manner, under the supervision and guarantee of the legislative authority.
It is organized by decree in Council of State, taken on the proposal of the supervisory commission. »
Team & Organisation
Tommaso Vitale and Ilaria Milazzo, Dean and Executive Director of the Urban School, hold the chair. Antoine Courmont is its Holder and Scientific Director.
The scientific advisory committee includes:
- Publication of the report Données, plateformes et frictions. La recomposition de la gouvernance de la mobilité à Mexico face à la numérisation des transports structurés et informels, Laure Guimbail, november 2024
- Publication of the working paper Digital technologies and urban governance in action: Modena's neighbourhood watch group, Nicollò MORELLI, (University of Genoa, Italy), 2024
- 7 April, 2022 - Webinar "How Data Is Transforming Cities? A discussion with the Data Officers Of London, NY and LA?" (Watch the replay)
- 25 March, 2021 - Round-Table on the book "Quand la donnée arrive en ville. Open data et gouvernance urbaine" (replay in fr.)
- 10 March, 2021 - Round-Table "Quels enjeux de gouvernance de la logistique urbaine à l'ère du numérique ?" (replay in fr.)
- 4 February, 2021 - Conference "Predict and Surveil. Police and Big Data in France and United-States"
- January 2021 - Publication of the book "Quand la donnée arrive en ville" by Antoine Courmont
- 11 October, 2019 - Breakfast debate about the book "Gouverner la ville numérique"
- August 2019 - Publication of the book "Gouverner la ville numérique" by Antoine Courmont & Patrick Le Galès (fr.)
- 21 March, 2018 - The Chair, partner of the open data observatory
- February 2018 - First working paper for the Chair
- 03 July, 2017 - Chair's launch (fr.)