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Nouveau working paper pour notre Chaire !
Le deuxième working paper DE L'ANNÉE de la Chaire Villes et numérique est à présent disponible.
Intitulé >The Impact of Digital Firms on Urban Governance Model in China: An Empirical Analysis of the Smart City Brain Model in China, ce paper traite de la façon dont la Smart City est interprétée et intégrée en Chine, à travers l’exemple des implémentations de Huawei et Alibaba à Shenzhen et Hangzhou. L'article a été rédigé par Sixiao Yang, une étudiante du Cycle d'urbanisme.
Résumé : This paper aims to gain an overview on how smart city is being interpreted and embedded in China, through the example of Huawei and Alibaba’s smart city implementations in Shenzhen and Hangzhou. It examines the emergence of the “Brain-Nerves” model of smart urban governance in Chinese cities, as well as the practices, processes and outcomes that are currently unfolding on the ground. By questioning the logic, promise and imaginaries of “City Brain”, the article aims at providing empirical evidences that are specific to the Chinese context, in order to illustrate the interactions and interdependencies between public and private stakeholders that are fostering the transformations of urban governance modes in China.